Shipping Side Projects In 2-2-2 Easy Steps

  • this note was taking from talk given by Jordi Bruin in iOS conf SG -

  • 2-2-2 method is consists with following elements

    • 2 Hours - building the first prototype of the app with the basic functionalities. if its going to take more than two hours then don't do it because its much complicated.
    • 2 days - with in two days make it ready to share with your friends and get their feedbacks.
    • 2 Weeks - make it ready for launch. make it beautiful and add animations. after two weeks you have it to launch it some way.
  • in those steps what you are trying figure out is

    • first if the idea is possible
    • second is it useable
    • third is it launchable
  • some apps will be stop at the two hour mark and some will be stop at the two days mark because it didn't achieve the target but you can used that unfinished business to launch an another idea at the down the line.