Basic concepts of C++ programming
Intro to C++
- C++ is a complied language its means it will convert into machine code before its runs
- memory management should be done manually (dynamic memory must be allocated and destroyed manually)
Printing a value in the screen
- this can be done in two separate ways
- using
- using
printf("hello samith");
std:: cout << "hello samith" << std::endl;
Inputs and outputs in C++
- inputs can get through via terminal using following command. but you need to import
#include <iostream>
for that
int a;
std:: cin >> a;
- output can get through using follows
std:: cout << a << std::endl
Basic data types
- characters long
- used to record 64 bit integer float
- record 32 bit of real value double
- record 64 bit of real value
used with float to print specify amount of digits that tell by thesetprecision()
this is explained clearly in the below example
double j;
std:: cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << j << '\n';
Conditional statements
for loop
for(<expression1> ; <expression2> ; <expression3>) {
expression 1 - initialising the flag variables that generally used for controlling and terminating the loop
expression 2 - used to checked the terminating condition
expression 3 - generally used to update the flag variables
example :
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- syntax of a function
return_type function_name (arg1_type arg_1, arg2_type arg_2){
return value;