Class Designated Initializers
fixing errors with default values
- when we create a instance of class, no property can be left in a undetermined state.
- for example following code snippet gives a error saying class samith has no initializer.
class samith {
var color : String
var age : Int
var hair : String?
var gf = "Saku"
- in here there are two properties that not determine.
- first one is color and the second one is age.
- hair variable is a optional and gf variable has a value.
- this error can be mitigate by creating a initializer for properties that do not have a default value or optional
what is an intializer?
- its an object that runs every time when you creating a new instance of object.
- primary role of the initializer is to ensure that all stored properties will be assigned a value when instance is created.
Create an Initializor for those properties that do not have a default value, or which are optional.
more initializer concepts.