Give The Model Time To Think

  • when you given complex task for the model to give a feedback in a short time then most of the time it will take a guess.

tactic 1: Specify the steps to complete a task

  • give step by step guide for go over when generating an answer for the question asked?
  • example - 01
prompt_1 = f"""
Perform the following actions: 
1 - Summarize the following text delimited by triple \
backticks with 1 sentence.
2 - Translate the summary into French.
3 - List each name in the French summary.
4 - Output a json object that contains the following \
keys: french_summary, num_names.

Separate your answers with line breaks.

```{text}``` :
  • example - 02 in here we ask specific format to follow when giving the answer
Determine if the student's solution is correct or not.

I'm building a solar power installation and I need \
 help working out the financials. 
- Land costs $100 / square foot
- I can buy solar panels for $250 / square foot
- I negotiated a contract for maintenance that will cost \ 
me a flat $100k per year, and an additional $10 / square \
What is the total cost for the first year of operations 
as a function of the number of square feet.

Student's Solution:
Let x be the size of the installation in square feet.
1. Land cost: 100x
2. Solar panel cost: 250x
3. Maintenance cost: 100,000 + 100x
Total cost: 100x + 250x + 100,000 + 100x = 450x + 100,000

tactic 2 : Instruct model to work out on its own solution before rushing to a conclusion

  • in following example model first work on his solution and compare it with the given solution in the text
Your task is to determine if the student's solution \
is correct or not.
To solve the problem do the following:
- First, work out your own solution to the problem including the final total. 
- Then compare your solution to the student's solution \ 
and evaluate if the student's solution is correct or not. 
Don't decide if the student's solution is correct until 
you have done the problem yourself.

Use the following format:
``` -
question here
``` -
Student's solution:
``` -
student's solution here
``` -
Actual solution:
``` -
steps to work out the solution and your solution here
``` -
Is the student's solution the same as actual solution \
just calculated:
``` -
yes or no
``` -
Student grade:
``` -
correct or incorrect
``` -

``` -
I'm building a solar power installation and I need help \
working out the financials. 
- Land costs $100 / square foot
- I can buy solar panels for $250 / square foot
- I negotiated a contract for maintenance that will cost \
me a flat $100k per year, and an additional $10 / square \
What is the total cost for the first year of operations \
as a function of the number of square feet.
Student's solution:
``` -
Let x be the size of the installation in square feet.
1. Land cost: 100x
2. Solar panel cost: 250x
3. Maintenance cost: 100,000 + 100x
Total cost: 100x + 250x + 100,000 + 100x = 450x + 100,000
``` -
Actual solution: