
Architecture of swift

  • Swift commands are statements
  • In swift everything is an object. in here definition of object is little bit different than others. if you can send a message to something then its becomes an object. for example we can send bark and sit messages to dog object.
  • in swift Syntax of message sending look as follows tang.bark() - tang is the object and then . after the dot there will be the message.
  • lets take a example to justify the statement that everything is an object in swift. think about a 1 in swift. this can be write as follows in swift. let s = 1.description this is meaningful and legal way in swift. so i is a object and its got a message named as description.
  • In Swift, every noun is an object, and every verb(methods and functions) is a message.
  • Object type can be extend in swift. for example you can not normally say 1.sayHello but this can be done by changing the number type as below.
extension Int {
			   func sayhello {
			   print("Hello, I'm \(self)")

1.sayHello // output - "Hello, I'm 1"
  • there are three kind of objects in swift or we can say three flavors of object type
  • Variables is a name for an object.
  • executable code like dog.bark() or print(hello) can not just go anywhere of your body. failure to do so will give you the error expected declaration.
  • in general executable code must live inside a Functions.

Core concepts

Closures Protocols Optionals Collection types

Basic concepts

Complex types Operators & conditions Static Properties and Methods typecasting


Naming style guidelines

Code Structure and readability and principle

Code Structure